Sunday, October 9, 2016

More World News of Political Interest


Weird times here.  President Juan Manuel Santos received the Nobel Prize for Peace, but the peace agreement with the FARC guerrillas was voted down (narrowly) in the national referendum on the deal.   President Santos, who insisted that there be a public referendum to legitimize the deal, presently sees himself as unable to implement the agreement.  Ex-President Alvaro Uribe successfully inflamed many people against the deal, by suggesting that the deal was too generous to the ex-rebels.  Now Uribe wants to "adjust" the deal [i.e., make it harsher on the rebels], but there is no indication from FARC leaders that they are willing to renegotiate the agreement, much less accept harsher terms.  Meanwhile, President Santos has said that the ceasefire will extend to October 31st.  No one knows what will happen after that.

Nearly 900 people are known to have been killed by Hurricane Matthew in Haiti, with aid officials saying up to 90% of some areas have been destroyed.

Brazil’s municipal elections on Sunday ...revealed a significant apathy by voters with the entire political class ... more than 25 million eligible voters chose to stay home... the highest abstention rate in the country’s history...Others, who did go to the polls on Sunday, chose to nullify their vote, or register a blank ballot.

Deforesting in the Amazon Increases by 24%

A fifth of the Japanese workforce faces the risk of death from overwork, according to a new government survey into the country's notoriously strenuous working culture.

Australia's centre-right coalition government introduced legislation to parliament last month to hold a public vote in February 2017 on whether to legalize same-sex unions...Advocates of same-sex marriage are concerned public debate around the vote would prove harmful to members of the LGBTI community. 

Despite objections from religious hardliners, lawmakers Thursday took the first significant move to curb mounting numbers of “honor” killings in Pakistan, stiffening the penalties and closing a loophole that allowed such killers to go free.

Nigeria: IMF's Zero-Interest Loan Conditions Too Tough to Handle - Govt

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Additional World News of Political Interest

Third time's the charm? OPEC members meet again to tackle low oil prices

Canadian and US tribes band together to fight Alberta oil sands pipelines

Brazil’s Former President Lula Indicted for Corruption

A Brazilian Supreme Court judge has authorized a preliminary investigation into allegations from former Transpetro head Sergio Machado that President Michel Temer illegally solicited campaign money in 2012.

Japan grows more open to foreign workers as population declines

A British activist was found guilty of criminal defamation on Tuesday and given a suspended jail sentence over a report alleging abuses in Thailand's lucrative fruit industry

Uganda is now the leading producer in the region of root crops, which researchers say are much tougher in the face of worsening climate-change-related problems such as drought and flooding.  Some roots, like cassava and sweet potato, are being processed into flour and increasingly used for everything from doughnuts to wedding cakes.  That is helping boost incomes and ensure food security....

295,000 Refugees Flee Political Violence in Burundi

Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Progressive Party Platform of 1912

I took a break from reading the 4 current party platforms to look up the platforms from the Progressive parties which previously existed in the US.  The only one I could find was the one from 1912.  It's remarkable, first, because of how many of their objectives were eventually achieved. Second, I'm amazed at how many of their observations in 1912 square with our perspective in 2016. I've copied and pasted it below for your convenience, but you can also read it from the source by following the above link.


Platform of the Progressive Party, August 7, 1912

Declaration of Principles of the Progressive Party

The conscience of the people, in a time of grave national problems, has called into being a new party, born of the Nation's awakened sense of justice. We of the Progressive Party here dedicate ourselves to the fulfillment of the duty laid upon us by our fathers to maintain that government of the people, by the people and for the people whose foundation they laid.

We hold with Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln that the people are the masters of their Constitution, to fulfill its purposes and to safeguard it from those who, by perversion of its intent, would convert it into an instrument of injustice. In accordance with the needs of each generation the people must use their sovereign powers to establish and maintain equal opportunity and industrial justice, to secure which this Government was founded and without which no republic can endure.
This country belongs to the people who inhabit it. Its resources, its business, its institutions and its laws should be utilized, maintained or altered in whatever manner will best promote the general interest.

It is time to set the public welfare in the first place.

The Old Parties

Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people.
From these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare, they have become the tools of corrupt interests which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government, owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.

The deliberate betrayal of its trust by the Republican Party, and the fatal incapacity of the Democratic Party to deal with the new issues of the new time, have compelled the people to forge a new instrument of government through which to give effect to their will in laws and institutions.

Unhampered by tradition, uncorrupted by power, undismayed by the magnitude of the task, the new party offers itself as the instrument of the people to sweep away old abuses, to build a new and nobler commonwealth.

A Covenant with the People

This declaration is our covenant with the people, and we hereby bind the party and its candidates in State and Nation to the pledges made herein.

The Rule of the People

The Progressive Party, committed to the principle of government by a self-controlled democracy expressing its will through representatives of the people, pledges itself to secure such alterations in the fundamental law of the several States and of the United States as shall insure the representative character of the Government.

In particular, the party declares for direct primaries for nomination of State and National officers, for Nation-wide preferential primaries for candidates for the Presidency, for the direct election of United States Senators by the people; and we urge on the States the policy of the short ballot, with responsibility to the people secured by the initiative, referendum and recall.

Amendment of Constitution

The Progressive Party, believing that a free people should have the power from time to time to amend their fundamental law so as to adapt it progressively to the changing needs of the people, pledges itself to provide a more easy and expeditious method of amending the Federal Constitution.
Nation and State

Up to the limit of the Constitution, and later by amendment of the Constitution, if found necessary, we advocate bringing under effective national jurisdiction those problems which have expanded beyond reach of the individual states.

It is as grotesque as it is intolerable that the several States should by unequal laws in matter of common concern become competing commercial agencies, barter the lives of their children, the health of their women and the safety and well-being of their working people for the profit of their financial interests.

The extreme insistence on States' rights by the Democratic Party in the Baltimore platform demonstrates anew its inability to understand the world into which it has survived or to administer the affairs of a Union States which have in all essential respects become one people.

Social and Industrial Strength

The supreme duty of the Nation is the conservation of human resources through an enlightened measure of social and industrial justice. We pledge ourselves to work unceasingly in State and Nation for:--

Effective legislation looking to the prevention of industrial accidents, occupational diseases, overwork, involuntary unemployment, and other injurious effects incident to modern industry;

The fixing of minimum safety and health standards for the various occupations, and the exercise of the public authority of State and Nation, including the Federal control over inter-State commerce and the taxing power, to maintain such standards;

The prohibition of child labor;

Minimum wage standards for working women, to provide a living scale in all industrial occupations;

The prohibition of night work for women and the establishment of an eight hour day for women and young persons;

One day's rest in seven for all wage-workers;

The abolition of the convict contract labor system; substituting a system of prison production for governmental consumption only; and the application of prisoners' earnings to the support of their dependent families;

Publicity as to wages, hours and conditions and labor; full reports upon industrial accidents and diseases, and the opening to public inspection of all tallies, weights, measures and check systems on labor products;

Standards of compensation for death by industrial accident and injury and trade diseases which will transfer the burden of lost earnings from the families of working people to the industry, and thus to the community;

The protection of home life against the hazards of sickness, irregular employment and old age through the adoption of a system of social insurance adapted to American use;

The development of the creative labor power of America by lifting the last load of illiteracy from American youth and establishing continuation schools for industrial education under public control and encouraging agricultural education and demonstration in rural schools;

The establishment of industrial research laboratories to put the methods and discoveries of science at the service of American producers.

We favor the organization of the workers, men and women as a means of protecting their interests and of promoting their progress.


We believe that true popular government, justice and prosperity go hand in hand, and so believing, it is our purpose to secure that large measure of general prosperity which is the fruit of legitimate and honest business, fostered by equal justice and by sound progressive laws.

We demand that the test of true prosperity shall be the benefits conferred thereby on all the citizens not confined to individuals or classes and that the test of corporate efficiency shall be the ability better to serve the public; that those who profit by control of business affairs shall justify that profit and that control by sharing with the public the fruits thereof.

We therefore demand a strong National regulation of inter-State corporations. The corporation is an essential part of modern business. The concentration of modern business, in some degree, is both inevitable and necessary for National and international business efficiency. but the existing concentration of vast wealth under a corporate system, unguarded and uncontrolled by the Nation, has placed in the hands of a few men enormous, secret, irresponsible power over the daily life of the citizen--a power insufferable in a free government and certain of abuse.

This power has been abused, in monopoly of National resources, in stock watering, in unfair competition and unfair privileges, and finally in sinister influences on the public agencies of State and Nation. We do not fear commercial power, but we insist that it shall be exercised openly, under publicity, supervision and regulation of the most efficient sort, which will preserver its good while eradicating and preventing its evils.

To that end we urge the establishment of a strong Federal administrative commission of high standing, which shall maintain permanent active supervision over industrial corporations engaged in inter-State commerce, or such of them as are of public importance, doing for them what the Government now does for the National banks, and what is now done for the railroads by the Inter-State Commerce Commission.

Such a commission must enforce the complete publicity of those corporation transactions which are of public interest; must attack unfair competition, false capitalization and special privilege, and by continuous trained watchfulness guard and keep open equally to all the highways of American commerce.

Thus the business man will have certain knowledge of the law, and will be able to conduct his business easily in conformity therewith; the investor will find security for his capital; dividends will be rendered more certain, and the savings of the people will be drawn naturally and safely into the channels of trade.

Under such a system of constructive regulation, legitimate business, freed from confusion, uncertainty and fruitless litigation, will develop normally in response to the energy and enterprise of the American business man.

We favor strengthening the Sherman law by prohibiting agreements to divide territory or limit output; refusing to sell to customers who buy from business rivals; to sell below cost in certain areas while maintaining higher prices in other places; using the power of transportation to aid or injure special business concerns; and other unfair trade practices.

Commercial Development

The time has come when the Federal Government should co-operate with the manufacturers and producers in extending our foreign commerce. To this end we demand adequate appropriations by Congress and the appointment of diplomatic and consular officers solely with a view to their special fitness and worth, and not in consideration of political expediency.

It is imperative to the welfare of our people that we enlarge and extend our foreign commerce. We are pre-eminently fitted to do this because as a people we have developed high skill in the art of manufacturing; our business men are strong executives, strong organizers. In every way possible our Federal Government should co-operate in this important matter. Anyone who has had the opportunity to study and observe first-hand Germany's course in this respect must realize that their policy of co-operation between Government and business has in comparatively few years made them a leading competitor for the commerce of the world. It should be remembered that they are doing this on a national scale and with large units of business, while the Democrats would have us believe that we should do it with small units of business, which would be controlled not by the National Government but by forty-nine conflicting sovereignties. Such a policy is utterly out of keeping with the progress of the times and gives our great commercial rivals in Europe--hungry for international markets--golden opportunities of which they are rapidly taking advantage.


We believe in a protective tariff which shall equalize conditions of competition between the United States and foreign countries, both for the farmer and the manufacturer, and which shall maintain for labor an adequate standard of living.

Primarily the benefit of any tariff should be disclosed in the pay envelope of the laborer. We declare that no industry deserves protection which is unfair to labor or which is operating in violation of Federal law. We believe that the presumptions always in favor of the consuming public.

We demand tariff revision because the present tariff is unjust to the people of the United States. Fair-dealing toward the people requires an immediate downward revision of those schedules wherein duties are shown to be unjust or excessive.

We pledge ourselves to the establishment of a non-partisan scientific tariff commission, reporting both to the President and to either branch of Congress, which shall report, first, as to the costs of production, efficiency of labor, capitalization, industrial organization and efficiency and the general competitive position in this country and abroad of industries seeking protection from Congress; second, as to the revenue-producing power of the tariff and its relation to the resources of government; and third, as to the effect of the tariff on prices, operations of middlemen, and on the purchasing power of the consumer.

We believe that this commission should have plenary power to elicit information, and for this purpose to prescribe a uniform system of accounting for the great protected industries. The work of the commission should not prevent the immediate adoption of acts reducing those schedules generally recognized as excessive.

We condemn the Payne-Aldrich bill as unjust to the people. The Republican organization is in the hands of those who have broken and cannot again be trusted to keep, the promise of necessary downward revision. The Democratic Party is committed to the destruction of the protective system through a tariff for revenue only--a policy which would inevitably produce widespread industrial and commercial disaster.

We demand the immediate repeal of the Canadian Reciprocity Act.

High Cost of Living

The high cost of living is due partly to worldwide and partly to local causes; partly to natural and partly to artificial causes. The measures proposed in this platform on various subject, such as the tariff, the trusts and conservation, will of themselves tend to remove the artificial causes.

There will remain other elements, such as the tendency to leave the country for the city, waste, extravagance, bad system of taxation, poor methods of raising crops and bad business methods in marketing crops.

To remedy these conditions requires the fullest information, and based on this information, effective Government supervision and control to remove all the artificial causes. We pledge ourselves to such full and immediate inquiry and to immediate action to deal with every need such inquiry discloses.


We believe there exists imperative need for prompt legislation for the improvement of our National currency system. We believe the present method of issuing notes through private agencies is harmful and unscientific.

The issue of currency is fundamentally government function and the system should have as basic principles soundness and elasticity. The control should be lodged with the Government and should be protected from domination manipulation by Wall Street or any special interests.

We are opposed to the so-called Aldrich currency bill, because its provisions would place our currency and credit system in private hands, not subject to effective public control.


The natural resources of the Nation must be promptly developed and generously used to supply the people's needs, but we cannot safely allow them to be wasted, exploited, monopolized or controlled against the general good. We heartily favor the policy of conservation, and we pledge our party to protect the National forests without hindering their legitimate use for the benefit of all the people.

Agricultural lands in the National forests are, and should remain, open to the genuine settler. Conservation will not retard legitimate development. The honest settler must receive his patent promptly, without needless restrictions or delays.

We believe that the remaining forests, coal and oil lands, water powers and other natural resources still in State or National control (except agricultural lands) are more likely to be wisely conserved and utilized for the general welfare if held in the public hands.

In order that consumers and producers, managers and workmen, now and hereafter, need not pay toll to private monopolies of power and raw material, we demand that such resources shall be retained by the State of Nation and opened to immediate use under laws which will encourage development and make to the people a moderate return for benefits conferred.

In particular we pledge our party to require reasonable compensation to the public for water-power rights hereafter granted by the public.

We pledge legislation to lease the public grazing lands under equitable provisions now pending which will increase the production of food for the people and thoroughly safeguard the rights of the actual homemaker. Natural resources, whose conservation is necessary for the National welfare, should be owned or controlled by the Nation.


The rivers of the United States are the natural arteries of this continent. We demand that they shall be opened to traffic as indispensable parts of a great Nation-wide system of transportation in which the Panama Canal will be the central link, thus enabling the whole interior of the United States to share with the Atlantic and Pacific seaboards in the benefit derived from canal.

It is a National obligation to develop our rivers, and especially the Mississippi and its tributaries, without delay, under a comprehensive general plan covering each river system from its source to its mouth, designed to secure its highest usefulness for navigation, irrigation, domestic supply, water power and the prevention of floods.

We pledge our party to the immediate preparation of such a plan, which should be made and carried out in close and friendly co-operation between the Nation, the States and the cities affected.

Under such a plan, the destructive floods of the Mississippi and other streams, which represent vast and needless loss to the Nation, would be controlled by forest conservation and water storage at the headwaters, and by levees below; land sufficient to support millions of people would be reclaimed from the deserts and the swamps, water power enough to transform the industrial standing of whole States would be developed, adequate water terminals would be provided, transportation by river would revive, and the railroads would be compelled to co-operate as freely with the boat lines as with each other.

The equipment, organization and experience acquires in constructing the Panama Canal soon will be available for the Lakes-to-the-Gulf deep waterway and other portions of this great work, and should be utilized by the Nation in co-operation with the various States, at the lowest net cost to the people.

 Panama Canal

The Panama Canal, built and paid for by the American people, must be used primarily for their benefit.

We demand that the canal shall be so operated as to break the transportation monopoly mow held and misused by the transcontinental railroads by maintaining sea competition with them; that ships directly or indirectly owned or controlled by American railroad corporations shall not be permitted to use the canal, and that American ships engaged in coastwise trade shall pay no tolls.

The Progressive Party will favor legislation having for its aim the development of friendship and commerce between the United States and Latin-American nations.


The coal and other natural resources of Alaska should be opened to development at once. They are owned by the people of the United States, and are safe from monopoly, waste or destruction only while so owned.

We demand that they shall neither be sold nor given away, except under the homestead law, but while held in Government ownership shall be opened to use promptly upon liberal terms requiring immediate development.

Thus the benefit of cheap fuel will accrue to the government of the United Stated and to the people of Alaska and the Pacific Coast; the settlement of extensive agricultural lands will be hastened; the extermination of the salmon will be prevented, and the just and wise development of Alaskan resources will take the place of private extortion or monopoly.

We demand also that extortion or monopoly in transportation shall be prevented by the prompt acquisition, construction or improvement by the Government of such railroads, harbor and other facilities for transportation as the welfare of the people may demand.

We promise the people of the Territory of Alaska the same measure of local self-government that was given to other American territories, and that officials appointed there shall be qualified by previous bona-fide residence in the Territory.

Equal Suffrage

The Progressive Party, believing that no people can justly claim to be a true democracy which denies political rights on account of sex, pledges itself to the task of securing equal suffrage to men and women alike.

Corrupt Practices

We pledge our party to legislation that will compel strict limitation on all campaign contributions and expenditures, and detailed publicity of both before as well as after primaries and elections.

Publicity and Public Service

We pledge our party to legislation compelling the registration of lobbyists; publicity of committee hearings except on foreign affairs, and recording of all votes in committee; and forbidding Federal appointees from holding office in State of National political organizations, or taking part as officers or delegates in political conventions for the nomination of elective State or National officials.

The Courts

The Progressive Party demands such restriction of the power of the courts as shall leave to the people the ultimate authority to determine fundamental questions of social welfare and public policy. To secure this end it pledges itself to provide:
  1. That when an act, passed under the police power of the State, is held unconstitutional under the State Constitution, by the courts, the people, after an ample interval for deliberation, shall have opportunity to vote on the question whether they desire the act to become a law, notwithstanding such decision.
  2. That every decision of the highest appellate court of a State declaring an act of the Legislature unconstitutional on the ground of its violation of the Federal Constitution shall be subject to the same review by the Supreme Court of the United States as is now accorded to decisions sustaining such legislation.
Administration of Justice

The Progressive Party, in order to secure to the people a better administration of justice and by that means to bring about a more general respect for the law and the courts, pledges itself to work unceasingly for the reform of legal procedure and judicial and methods.

We believe that the issuance of injunctions in cases arising out of labor disputes should be prohibited when such injunctions would not apply when no labor disputes existed.

We also believe that a person cited for contempt in the disputes, except when such contempt was committed in the actual presence of the court or so near thereto as to interfere with the proper administration of justice, should have a right to trial by jury.

Department of Labor

We pledge our party to establish a Department of Labor with a seat in the cabinet, and with wide jurisdiction over matters affecting the conditions of labor and living.

Country Life

The development and prosperity of country life as important to the people who live in the cities as they are to the farmers. Increase of prosperity on the farm will favorably affect the cost of living and promote the interests of all who dwell in the country, and all who depend upon its products for clothing, shelter and food.

We pledge out party to foster the development of agricultural credit and co-operation, the teaching of agriculture in schools, agricultural college extension, the use of mechanical power on the farm, and to re-establish the Country Life Commission, thus directly promoting the welfare of the farmers, and bringing the benefits of better farming, better business and better living within their reach.


We favor the union of all the existing agencies of the Federal Government dealing with the public health into a single National health service without discrimination against or for any one set of therapeutic methods, school of medicine, or school of healing with such additional powers as may be necessary to enable it to perform efficiently such duties in the protection of the public from preventable diseases as may be properly undertaken by the Federal authorities; including the executing of existing laws regarding pure food; quarantine and cognate subjects; the promotion of appropriate action for the improvement of vital statistics and the extension of the registration area of such statistics and co-operation with the health activities of the various States and cities of the Nation.


We pledge ourselves to the enactment of a patent law which will make it impossible for patents to be suppressed or used against the public welfare in the interests of injurious monopolies.

Inter-State Commerce Commission

We pledge our party to secure to the Inter-State Commerce Commission the power to value the physical property of railroads. In order that the power of the commission to protect the people may not be impaired or destroyed, we demand the abolition of the Commerce Court.

Good Roads

We recognize the vital importance of good roads and we pledge out party to foster their extension in every proper way, and we favor the early construction of National highways. We also favor the extension of the rural free delivery service.

Inheritance and Income Tax

We believe in a graduated inheritance tax as a National means of equalizing the obligations of holder of property to government, and we hereby pledge our party to enact such a Federal law as will tax large inheritances returning to the States an equitable percentage of all amounts collected.

We favor the ratification of the pending amendment to the Constitution giving the Government power to levy an income tax.

Peace and National Defense

Progressive Party deplores the survival in our civilization of the barbaric system of warfare among nations with its enormous waste of resources even in time of peace, and the consequent impoverishment of the life of the toiling masses. We pledge the party to use its best endeavors to substitutes judicial an other peaceful means of settling international differences.

We favor an international agreement for the limitation of naval forces. Pending such an agreement, and as the best means of preserving peace, we pledge ourselves to maintain for the present the policy of building two battleships a year.

Treaty Rights

We pledge our party to protect the rights of American citizenship at home and abroad. No treaty should receive the sanction of our government which discriminates between American citizens because of birthplace, race or religion, or that does not recognize the absolute right of expatriation.

The Immigrant

Through the establishment of industrial standards we propose to secure to the able-bodied immigrant and to his native fellow workers a larger share of American opportunity.

We denounce the fatal policy of indifference and neglect which has left our enormous immigrant population to become the prey of chance and cupidity.

We favor governmental action to encourage the distribution of immigrants away from the congested cities, to rigidly supervise all private agencies dealing with them and to promote their assimilation, education and advancement.


We pledge ourselves to a wise and just policy of pensioning American soldiers and sailors and their widows and children they Federal Government. And we approve the policy of the Southern States in granting pensions to the ex-Confederate soldiers and sailors and their widows and children.

Parcels Post

We pledge our party to the immediate creation of a parcels post, with rates proportionate to distance and service.

Civil Service

We condemn the violations of the civil service law under the present administration, including the coercion and assessment of subordinate employees, and the President' s refusal to punish such violation after a finding of guilty by his own commission; his distribution of patronage among subservient Congressmen, while withholding it from those who refuse support of administration measures; his withdrawal of nominations from the Senate until political support for himself was secured, and his open use of the offices to reward those who voted for his renomination.

To eradicate these abuses, we demand not only the enforcement of the civil service act in letter and spirit, but also legislation which will bring under the competitive system postmasters, collectors, marshals and all other non-political officers, as well as the enactment of an equitable retirement law, and we also insist upon continuous service during good behavior and efficiency.

Government Business Organization

We pledge our party to readjustment of the business methods of the National Government and a proper co-ordination of the Federal bureaus, which will increase the economy and efficiency of the Government service, prevent duplications and secret better results to the taxpayers for every dollar expended.

Government Supervision Over Investment

The people of the United States are swindled out of many millions of dollars every year, through worthless investments. The plain people, the wage-earner and the men and women with small savings, have no way of knowing the merit of concerns sending out highly colored prospectuses offering stock for sale, prospectuses that make big returns seem certain and fortunes easily within grasp.

We hold it to be the duty of the Government to protect its people form this kind of piracy. We, therefore, demand wise carefully-thought-out legislation that will give us such Governmental supervision over this matter as will furnish to the people of the United States this much-needed protection, and we pledge ourselves thereto.


On these principles and on the recognized desirability of uniting the Progressive forces of the Nation into an organization which shall unequivocally represent the Progressive spirit and policy we appeal for the support of all American citizens without regard to previous political affiliations.

Legislate "Just-Cause" for Employment Termination

Here is an issue I would like to see in a party platform: the abolition of "at-will" employment, and its replacement with the requirement of "just cause" for employment termination.  Allow me to explain.

I once had a job where I often met people who had just been fired.  Many of them said that their boss gave no reason for firing them, or that the reason they were given made no sense.  In most cases, there was little or no legal recourse for them.  I'd like to see that changed. 

The workers who were fired were distraught, naturally, and especially so in times of high unemployment.  They had bills to pay and families to feed.  Unemployment benefits didn't go far.  Continuing their health insurance meant paying the full premium themselves.  Getting Medicaid would take time.  They might have to move, anyway.  Their world had been turned upside down.  Didn't the boss at least have to give them a reason, a good reason, for terminating their employment?

In the vast majority of cases, the answer was, "No." 

You see, the prevailing theory in American employment law, from what I have read, is the “At Will” doctrine.  It is based on an article published by Horace Gray Wood in 1877 concerning “master-servant” relations.  Prior to Mr. Wood, employer-employee relations in the U.S. were governed by English common law, which presumed, in the absence of any contract, that employment was “to be for one-year increments, absent termination for good cause,” and that “any termination would require reasonable notice prior to termination.” Wood argued, however, that the employment relationship was entirely “at will” and could be terminated “at will” if there was no proof that the employment was for a definite time period. This was music to employers, and it quickly became case law throughout the nation. Any employee, unless covered by a contract, could be discharged at will – for good reasons, for bad reasons, or for no reason at all.

The effects of this doctrine went far beyond the question of motives for discharge. It morphed, logically, to encompass the entirety of working conditions. “No employment contract” means that all of your terms and conditions of employment, your hours, your wages and your benefits can be set, changed or ended at the whim of your employer. If you don’t like the arrangement, you can leave or be fired. If unemployment is high, too bad. Have a boo-hoo on your way out.

It is true that American workers have gained some protections from the whimsy, malice and calculated disregard of corporate overlords. But these protections are incomplete. There are laws against discrimination, but the laws don’t touch every employer, and many common forms of discrimination are still allowed. There are certain legal requirements regarding wages, but they don’t cover every employee. There are laws intended to ensure worker safety, but there are also loopholes you can fall through. There are some unions to establish work contracts, but American unions have been on the decline, and they are scarcely as strong as their European counterparts. Nevertheless, our corporate overlords and their political vassals see these laws, regulations, and unions as infringing upon their freedom: the freedom guaranteed by the at-will employment doctrine to treat their fellow citizens with all of the consideration given to migrant farm workers.

This is in keeping with the authoritarian view of superiors and inferiors, but it is at odds with democratic principles. Democracy begins with the presumption that members of the social compact are political equals. American workers, therefore, should be given what they expect and deserve as citizens of this nation: equitable employment, as a matter of case law and statute.

Is that impractical?  It's already the law in Canada.  And it's already present in union contracts in the USA.    

Is it unreasonable to demand just cause for employment termination?  Even now, an employer who can't show just cause for dismissing an "at-will" employee is taking a risk.  If the ex-employee files suit over his or her dismissal, the employer's inability to show "just cause" for the action could have expensive consequences.

So why not make it the  law already?

For additional information, see:
Employment At Will: What Does It Mean?  If you are employed at will, your employer does not need good cause to fire you.

Employment At-Will: Sacred Writ or Big Lie?

Legal Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.

You Can't Say All Lives Matter & Shoot Blacks Needlessly

Yet again we see news of a Black American needlessly shot by police.  This, in the country that calls itself "exceptional."  This, in the country which claims to be envied for its freedoms. 

Add the name of Terence Crutcher to the list of Black Americans needlessly shot to death in this supposed "land of the free and home of the brave."  Hasn't it truly become a land of the suspicious and home of the fearful?

IMO, Progressives should speak out about this issue, and propose some solutions.  The following occurred to me:

  • Require all police departments to participate in a Federally -developed program which trains officers to suppress fear and anger and activate a reasoning response when faced with a situation that makes them nervous or mad.  The policies of "shoot anyone who scares you" and "hurt 'em if they piss you off" are indefensible. 
  • Bigots should be removed from police departments.   If they cannot or will not react without prejudice, they should not be given firearms and positions of law enforcement.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Uncle Sellout

I Want You...
To Serve Your Corporate Masters!

Anti-Authoritarian Personalities

Research by contemporary political psychologists indicates that there are two types of Authoritarians.  The same research suggests that that there could be two types of Anti-Authoritarians, their polar opposites. 

I have to admit that this essay involves more speculation than my last one.  There are a lot of professional publications concerning the two types of Authoritarians, RWA and SDO, but there are hardly any which specifically address the personalities of people who are at the opposite ends of those scales.  In fact, I've found only one such publication by a political scientist: The Anti-Authoritarian Personality, a book published by William P. Kreml in 1977.  Kreml was relying on research and theories still dependent on Freudian psychology and the perception of nonconformity as "deviant" and "maladaptive."  You can see that in his working definition of "Anti-Authoritarian:" someone who "...uncritically opposes 'standards [and] commands.'"  

"Anti-authoritarian" is currently defined as  being "opposed to authoritarianism; democratic; characterized by or advocating or based upon the principles of democracy or social equality."  To quote psychologist Bruce Levine:

Anti-authoritarians question whether an authority is a legitimate one before taking that authority seriously. Evaluating the legitimacy of authorities includes assessing whether or not authorities actually know what they are talking about, are honest, and care about those people who are respecting their authority. And when anti-authoritarians assess an authority to be illegitimate, they challenge and resist that authority—sometimes aggressively and sometimes passive-aggressively, sometimes wisely and sometimes not.  [February 26, 2012]

Now that's my definition of "Anti-Authoritarian!"

It was Bob Altemeyer's 1996 study which gave me the idea for the current essay.  In that study, he tested "Right-Wing Authoritarian" ("RWA") and "Social Dominance Orientation" ("SDO") individuals on a number of other established personality scales. In my last essay here, I discussed most of the attributes he found to be associated with those political orientations.  But there were two values found to have significantly negative associations with RWA and SDO orientations:
  • "Self-Direction," which Shalom Schwartz defines as "independent, autonomous thought and action;"
  • "Universalism," which Shalom Schwartz defines as "Understanding, appreciation, tolerance and protection for the welfare of all people and for nature."
Moreover, the negative association with "Self-Direction" was stronger for RWAs than for SDOs, while the negative association with "Universalism" was stronger for SDOs than for RWAs

It struck me that these results suggested who was at the opposite ends of the RWA and SDO scales.  And it made sense. 

High RWAs strive to maintain traditional rules as the basis for authority.  Who would be their opposites on the RWA scale?  People who did not accept and regard traditional rules as authoritative.  People who would be willing to entertain new rules and decide for themselves which rules ultimately have legitimate authority.  I'll call it a "Self-Guided Orientation," or "SGO," since I haven't seen it proposed elsewhere.  These are individuals who decide for themselves what they will believe and do, independent of tradition. 

It's my suspicion that Presidential candidate Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party represents this political orientation.  Reviewing his issue positions, I note that he emphasizes individual determination and seeks to minimize social rules and controls.  While this tacitly accepts inequality, he is not empasizing the maintenance of social dominance by particular individuals or segments of the population.

High SDOs, on the other hand, strive to establish and maintain superiority for themselves and/or their identity groups as the basis for authority.  Who would be their opposites on the SDO scale?  People who are oriented toward "understanding, appreciation, tolerance and protection for the welfare of all people and for nature."  As discussed by Felicia Pratto et al., such individuals are more oriented toward social equality, altruism, tolerance, and empathy toward individuals who are not like them.  Since I haven't seen this political orientation named anywhere else, I'll call it a "Holistic Welfare Orientation," or "HWO."  If HWOs are oriented politically towards equality and protection for the welfare of all people, I think it's fair to surmise that HWOs peceive legitimate authority as deriving from consensus and common benefit. 

Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for the Presidency, appears to be a prime example of this political orientation.  On her campaign website, she declares,
“My Power to the People Plan creates deep system change, moving from the greed and exploitation of corporate capitalism to a human-centered economy that puts people, planet and peace over profit...This plan will end unemployment and poverty; avert climate catastrophe; build a sustainable, just economy; and recognize the dignity and human rights of everyone in our society and our world."

The combination of these ideas leads me to propose the following as a map of our socio-political orientations:

I've included the gray squares because real-world observation indicates that there can be an overlap or blending of political orientations.  Altemeyer reported that the most prejudiced people he found in his research were those who were both High SDO and High RWA.  I believe I have a mix of strong HWO tendencies with an inclination toward SGO, as well.  To what degree are these orientations separated or blended in the U.S. population?  I have no idea.  As I said earlier, there's been hardly any professional research specifically concerning Anti-Authoritarians.  Which is a shame, in my opinion.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

We're Dealing with 2 Types of Authoritarians

Political psychologists have found that there isn't just one authoritarian political orientation, as once thought.  There are two.  Witness the Presidential campaigns of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.

The "Authoritarian Personality" was first defined in a 1950 book by that name, written by Theodor W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel Levinson, and Nevitt Sanford.  They theorized that there are "potentially fascistic" individuals in society who have a common personality "structure." To test their theory, they interviewed and gave a value scale questionnaire (the "F-scale") to over 2,000 subjects.  They concluded that 
There exists something like "the" potentially fascist character, which is by itself a "structural unit." In other words, traits such as conventionality, authoritarian submissiveness and aggressiveness, projectivity, manipulativeness, etc., regularly go together.
The study provoked interest, at first, but fell out of favor due to complaints about its methodology and perceived bias.

However, the concept and measurement scale were later refined by Bob Altemeyer, beginning at least in 1981.  His research  repeatedly found that there were individuals who had personalities which included: 

1) a high degree of submission to the established, legitimate authorities in    
    their society;
2) high levels of aggression in the name of their authorities; and
3) a high level of conventionalism.

Altemeyer called these individuals "Right-Wing Authoritarians," or "RWAs."  In his 2007 paper titled "The Authoritarians," he explained that he was using the word "Right" in its Old English sense: "lawful, proper, correct, doing what the authorities said."  As he noted later, the authorities in question had to be regarded as "legitimate" by the RWAs.

In 1996, Altemeyer studied how RWAs performed on some other personality tests.
What he found was that RWAs also got high positive scores on the following scales (in descending order): 
"Religious Fundamentalism"

"Traditionalism," defined by Shalom Schwartz as:
Respect, commitment, and acceptance of the customs and ideas that traditional culture or religion provides...Maintaining cultural and religious traditions      
"Dangerous World" (belief that the world is dangerous)
"Conformity," defined by Shalom Schwartz as:

Restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses likely to upset or harm others and violate social expectations or norms.
and "Need for Structure."

In summary, RWAs tend to be religious fundamentalists who see the world as dangerous and themselves as "righteous."  They are conformists who need structure, and they value the maintainance of traditional ideas and norms.  I would prefer to say that they have a "Rule-Guided Orientation," but "RWA" is the established label.

Several writers have noted that Donald Trump's Presidential campaign appears to have brought out Authoritarians (for examples, see here and here and here).  I think Trump is authoritarian, but he doesn't fit the RWA type.  True, he is trying to appeal to RWAs.  He went to Liberty University, a self-described Christian institution, and presented himself as a defender of the faith.  But Ted Cruz is actually more representative of the RWA.  He didn't just appear at Liberty University, he announced his Presidential campaign there.
Moreover, his announcement speech specifically noted his father's adoption of Baptist Christianity, his mother being the daughter of missionaries, and his own belief that our rights come from God Almighty.  And he advocates a religious test for public office:


Coincidentally, his surname, "Cruz," is  Spanish for "Cross!" 

While Altemeyer was refining the definition and scales for RWAs, psychologists Felicia Pratto, Jim Sidanius, Lisa M. Stallworth, and Bertram F. Malle uncovered another significant political orientation.  They theorized that people vary in the extent to which they desire that their in-group "dominate and be superior to out-groups." They believed that Individuals with a high "Social Dominance Orientation" would "favor social practices that maintain or exacerbate inequality among groups and will oppose social practices that reduce group inequality," and their research confirmed it.   A battery of personality tests given to almost 2,000 college students between 1990 and 1992 disclosed that Social Dominance Orientation ["SDO"] had significant positive associations with support for capitalism (presumably because capitalism legitimizes inequality based on competition), nationalism, racism, cultural elitism, support for the military and support for wars of dominance (i.e., not for "humanitarian" wars).  On the other hand, SDOs were significantly negative on measures of concern for others, altruism and communality. 

Altemeyer refers to SDO as "The Other 'Authoritarian Personality.'"  In his 1996 study of RWAs, he also subjected SDOs to other popular personality tests.  He found SDOs to have their strongest association with the value of Power, which Shalom Schwartz defines as the value of "Social status and prestige, control or dominance over people and resources."* 

As I said earlier, a number of authors have suggested that Donald Trump's supporters are authoritarians.  I think it's more accurate to say that Trump and his followers have high Social Dominance Orientations.  Consider the fact that Trump announced his campaign at "Trump Tower," a monument to his personal wealth and power.  His initial campaign speech
expressed his intent to have more victories over other countries, countries which were "beating us" and "killing us," he said.  He proclaimed that our enemies were getting stronger while we were getting weaker.  And his followers proudly display their racism, nationalism, and cultural elitism during his rallies.  All of these fit the SDO profile.  Coincidentally, his surname, "Trump," is an English word meaning  "to dominate!" 

It's important to note that Altemeyer, the Pratto group and others have found somewhat small but statistically significant relationships between RWAs and SDOs.  The two political orientations can overlap in some regards.  Altemeyer found that both RWAs and SDOs were substantially associated with ethnocentrism and prejudice against homosexuals, Blacks and women.  However, they were also significantly distinguishable.  For example, Altemeyer found that RWAs were more strongly associated with religious fundamentalism, self-righteousness and traditionalism than SDOs. SDOs, on the other hand, were more strongly associated with value of power than RWAs.

We are all created equal, but we are not all the same.  Too often we assume that everyone else is just like us, so our different political views can only be due to ignorance, brainwashing or stupidity.  Why do people act against what we see as their "interest?"  Because they have a different view of their "interest."  It's not that they are "irrational."  Their actions are "value-rational," i.e., calculated on the basis of their values.  Someone with a high RWA political orientation will place greater value on following established rules, customs and traditions.  They will resist change.  Someone with a high SDO political orientation will place greater value on ensuring that they and their identity groups dominate socially.  They will resist policies of social equalization. 

According to Mary Kay Magistad of Public Radio International, "Polling data suggests roughly 18 to 30 percent of Americans fall into [the Authoritarian] camp, and that more can be swayed to support political 'strong men' when they feel under threat."  But all is not lost.  The good news is, people vary in the degree to which they have an RWA or SDO political orientation.  And the vast majority of Americans are not Authoritarians.

*SDOs also scored high on Eysenck & Eysenck's 1976 "Psychoticism" scale, but this scale was found to have some design issues, as acknowledged later by the authors themselves.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Campaigning Like It's 1999

According to The Hill, "Clinton allies" are now blaming Bernie Sanders for Hillary Clinton's poor performance in recent opinion polls.  Specifically, they complain that Sanders' continued attacks on Clinton and his failure "to begin bringing everyone together” hurts Hillary Clinton because it "... holds her back from controlling the narrative.”   Maybe that's the voice of her chief campaign strategist, Joel Benenson.  His company's website emphasizes the use of language, words, and "messaging framework" for competitive advantage.  The Hill adds that these latest polls "have cemented a belief in Clinton World that the candidate needs to devote all her time now to the general election."  I think that means the Clinton campaign is approaching the 2016 Presidential Election with a strategy from the 1990's: talk one way -- liberal -- during the primary, and then moderate your language for the general election.

That's certainly the kind of campaign strategy which "Third Way" would endorse.  "Third Way" glorifies political moderates and insists that "America is best led from the center."  One of their beliefs is that moderates are "the deciders" in national elections: "the outcome is decided by those in the middle." Naturally, they would like for campaigns to court "moderates."  In 2014 they commissioned a survey of 1,500 registered U.S. voters by the Benenson Strategy Group and determined that the voters who called themselves "moderate" amounted to 37% of the sample population.  One third of the moderates (12% of the total sample) said that they voted equally for Democrats and Republicans.  And 65% of the moderates rejected the statement that "Politics do not really affect my life and I tune out most discussions about politics."  Third Way called that proof that moderates are politically engaged, even though 62% of the moderates also said they actively avoided political discussions.  According to Molly Ball at The Atlantic, Third Way's survey results showed that Democrats should not "stray too far to the left" in their election campaigns.

I'm guessing that Hillary Clinton listens to Third Way campaign strategists.  Her current campaign strategist runs the company which conducted the aforementioned survey for Third Way.  One of Third Way's founders, Matt Bennett, worked in Bill Clinton's presidential election campaigns.  And Hillary herself is said to have led a U.S. delegation to a 1997 conference on how to ensure the continuity of Third Way ideas.  So I think she would certainly be inclined to listen to them.

Now, I have no experience or training as a campaign manager, but there is evidence which suggests that a Third Way campaign strategy might be less appropriate in 2016:
  • The PBS show "Frontline"observed that George W. Bush's campaign in 2004 differed from his campaign in 2000.  To find out why, "Frontline" interviewed a number of people who participated in the Bush-Cheney campaign of 2004, including Matthew Dowd, the campaign's chief strategist.  Dowd's explanation for the difference included the following remarks: 
"One of the first things I looked at after 2000 was what was the real Republican vote and what was the real Democratic vote, not just who said they were Republicans and Democrats, but independents, how they really voted, whether or not they voted straight ticket or not. And I took a look at that in 2000, and then I took a look at what it was over the last five elections or six elections." 

"And what came from that analysis was a graph that I obviously gave Karl, which showed that independents or persuadable voters in the last 20 years had gone from 22 percent of the electorate to 7 percent of the electorate in could lose the 6 or 7 percent and win the election, which was fairly revolutionary, because everybody up until that time had said, 'Swing voters, swing voters, swing voters, swing voters, swing voters.'"

"We didn't say, 'Base motivation is what we're going to do, and that's all we're doing.' We said, 'Both are important, but we shouldn't be putting 80 percent of our resources into persuasion and 20 percent into base motivation,' which is basically what had been happening up until that point...."
  •  In 2014, Pew Research Center conducted a national survey of 10,013 adults and found that, over   the past 20 years, the percentage of Americans with mixed liberal and conservative opinions -- the "center" -- had declined by 10%.  Moreover, many of those in the "center" indicated that they "... remain on the edges of the political playing field, relatively distant and disengaged...."  At the same time, the percentage of Americans who are consistently liberal or consistently conservative had risen from 10% to 21%, meaning that Democrats had moved to the left and Republicans had moved to the right, with less and less overlap between the parties.  (PRC's report includes some nice graphics which reflect this.)
  • NPR analyzed exit polls from the 2016 primaries held thus far and found that "...voters are far less moderate than they were in their last primaries."  More Republicans described themselves as "somewhat" or "very" conservative, and fewer called themselves "moderate" or "liberal."  At the same time, more Democratic voters identified themselves as "somewhat" or "very liberal." NPR concluded that "Democrats this year have more decidedly moved toward the "very liberal" end of the spectrum."
  • Political scientists David Broockman and Doug Ahler noted that U.S. citizens may appear to be ideologically "moderate" because they often "support policies on both sides of the ideological spectrum."  However, Broockman and Ahler's research disclosed that "...most citizens support idiosyncratic bundles of policies, many of which are not moderate."  Moreover, "...citizens’ demand for politicians who represent these immoderate issue views appears greater than their desire for politicians with centrist positions." 

So, following a campaign strategy which worked in the 1990's might not work anymore.   There are fewer "moderates" in the electorate, they often have radical views on issues that matter to them, and they are generally less engaged anyway.  Meanwhile, the bases of both parties are more engaged, have increased in size, and have become more "extreme."  Perhaps a candidate in 2016 needs to ensure first that her party base is sufficiently motivated to support her, before attempting to persuade citizens outside of her party that she is worthy of their vote also.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Meet the New Blog (Not Like the Old Blog)

Perhaps I was away too long.  Yesterday I tried logging in to my old blog, Jefferson's Parlor, and Blogger wouldn't let me.  The blog was still there, but Blogger wouldn't let me add anything to it.

C'est la vie.

Fortunately, Blogger is allowing me to create a new blog.  It's probably for the best.

I began the old blog in June 2006 "to articulate the philosophical perspective, ideas and values" which I believed were the foundations of the democratic movement in the USA.   I was particularly interested in demonstrating that Progressive ideals and values could be traced all the way back to some of the nation's Founders.  I think I accomplished that.

By the time of my last diary there, I had become more interested in political history, psychology, neuroscience and sociology.  I'm doing more research on these topics, so a new blog is maybe even a good idea.

(Which is not to suggest that I had a choice in the matter!)